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Frequently Asked Questions

​Do you have a studio in London?


In 90% of cases I'm location based so don't usually need a studio space.


However for some shoots I will rent a studio or other indoor location in London etc that suits the commercial photography brief given by my client.


Studios are available around the world to rent on a daily basis, so it gives me more options and saves on the overhead costs I would have if I had my own physical studio.


If your shoot requires a studio space, we can choose and agree on a good location together that works best for the shoot brief and requirements.




​Do you do video?




I'm fully focused on stills photography.


I do work with a number of individual freelancers, small and large video production companies, and London based agencies who I trust.


So get in touch and I'll point you to the relevant people for your project.




How far in advance do I need to book you?


I'm usually 75% booked up at least a month in advance, but I do leave a few dates available for last minute shoots as this seems to be the nature of the industry.


So please get in touch as soon as you can if you'd like to work with me, as the more notice you give me the better our chances are of working together.




What are your rates?


I charge slightly differently for the different types of photography work I do.


Commercial Photography: I usually charge a day rate, a usage fee (in some circumstances), and a production cost (if I'm producing the shoot myself).


Headshot Photography: I charge a set fee for the actual headshot shoot, and then a small fee for each chosen photo you would like to purchase and get retouched. - More questions about headshot photography? Click here


Commercial Property & Interiors Photography: I charge a bit like I do with the commercial photography with a day rate or half day rate, especially if I'm photographing a hotel, airline lounge, or commercial office for example.


Note: In all circumstances I charge travel expenses.


I don't publish my photography rates online as it can be slightly different for each job, so it's best to get in touch with me directly.




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Do you have representation (or an agent)?


Yes, I have an agent for overseas work:


Represented in Europe by: HYPE PHOTO & FILMS

(Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece)

Phone: (+34) 678 582 966

Instagram: @hype_photo_


Represented in United States by: HYPE PHOTO & FILMS

(New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Hawaii)

Phone: (+1) 917 612 0336

Instagram: @hype_photo_​


I am self represented in the UK.




Do you do Drone Photography or Video?


I've partnered with an amazing licensed drone photography and videography company who do drone work all over the UK, so please visit our drone photography page here!




You're a photographer based in London, but how far can you travel for a job?


Where is your shoot?


I have travelled to many countries for commercial, advertising, and lifestyle photography work and even for some property photography jobs I have travelled as far as New York for less than 24 hours.


Most of my work tends to be in or around the London area in the UK, however of course I am more than willing and able to travel to pretty much anywhere in the world for work.


It's part of why I love my job as a professional photographer so much, as it takes me to new and interesting places all the time!




Do you have all your own equipment?


I own all the essential camera equipment I need for 80% of the shoots I do.


Some larger commercial, advertising, or lifestyle photography shoots I do may need special cameras and lighting equipment, smoke machines, rigs etc which I will need to hire from a production or camera rental company.




Can you produce your own shoots?


It depends on how big the shoot is, but in a lot of cases, yes. I actually produce a lot of the commercial photography shoots I do myself.

Anything from sourcing and arranging models, wardrobe, catering, camera and lighting hire, booking studio space or finding locations, sourcing assistants, digital technicians, lighting designers, vehicle hire, and hotels etc.

I do charge extra for this, but clients usually like it as I know what I'm looking for, I have the contacts, and it also saves them time.




How do you send me the photos you take for us and what format are they in?


I usually send the final edited photos over to the client by WeTransfer as I can do this securely.


In terms of format the photographs are sent (unless requested otherwise), I will send them in JPEG format at 300dpi at their highest resolution.


TIFF files can also be sent, however these are much larger files and most clients usually don't usually require them.


I can also send the files on a physical external hard drive on request (additional cost).




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Do I have to credit you when publishing or posting the photos you’ve taken for us?


In general, yes please (unless we have agreed for you not to do so before hand in the terms of usage), as it really helps me and my commercial photography business gain a bit more exposure and attention.




Do you have more information about your headshot photo shoots?


I do. I've written a blog post answering the most common questions I get regarding headshot photography. You can read it here!




Who owns the copyright to the photographs you take for us?


Copyright is always held by the photographer who took the images. This is industry standard.

So the copyright for the photographs I take for all my clients is held by myself, Stuart Bailey.


A licence or usage fee will be agreed (if applicable) for the final images.

This is where I license the photographs to the client so they have permission to use them in their selected media types, regions, and set time period.


Licence and terms of use will be agreed and set before hand and I will publish the usage information in the invoice to you as well.


I may use the photos on my own social media, website, marketing, and promotional materials unless the client explicitly requests me not to do so. This will first be agreed in the licence and terms of use we set up.




Can I buy the copyright to the photographs you take for me?


Not usually do I sell the copyright to any of my photographs.

However, If the client really needs to buy and own the copyright to the images, then this can be agreed for a fee called "copyright buy-out".


The usage of the photographs is then completely in the clients hands in terms of how they can be used and controlled.


This copyright buy-out fee is usually calculated on where the photos will be used, for how long, and how much revenue the photographs will make the client in terms of sales etc.




Can I have the RAW camera files?


I don't give these away unless under very special circumstances. There is also usually an additional cost for the RAW files.




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What happens if I need to cancel or postpone my commercial photography shoot?


If a confirmed shoot is cancelled or postponed for reasons outside the control of the Photographer (including unsuitable weather / light), the Photographer reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee at the following rates together with all incurred expenses.


More than 6 working days notice: 50% of fee + all expenses


3 - 6 working days notice: 75% of fee + all expenses


2 days or less notice: 100% of fee + all expenses


If the shoot has to be postposed we will first see the options to re-arrange the shoot as soon as possible before any cancellation charges are incurred.




What happens if you're sick?


If I become ill or injured then I will have one of my trusted photographs to come and complete the photoshoot on my behalf. If another photographer is not available we will look at the options to re-arrange.




How do I pay for the shoot?


All payments are to be made by bank transfer or BACS. Payment details will be listed in the invoice I send out.




Do you do weddings, families, or pet photography?


I don't shoot weddings, families, babies, or pets. We are a commercial photography practice.


I do have some photographers I recommend though, so get in touch and I’ll point you to my favourites from around the country.




What does "Above the Line" (ATL), and "Below the Line" (BTL) mean?


Funny you should ask! I have written a short blog post explaining this. Read it here!




Ready to book a shoot? Click here




Are you on Social Media?


Of course I am! My social media handle is @StuBaileyPhoto on pretty much everything.


Here are the links...


Instagram - @StuBaileyPhoto -

LinkedIn - @StuBaileyPhoto-

Facebook - @StuBaileyPhoto -

Twitter - @StuBaileyPhoto -

Pinterest - @StuBaileyPhoto -




Do you have a Blog?


I do indeed, you can read my blog by following the link in the menu at the top, or by clicking here.




I have more questions, can I contact you?


Yes of course, please visit my Contact Us page and get in touch with me by either phone or email.




Ready to book a shoot? Click here


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Commercial Photographer London Stuart Bailey

Copyright Information:
All Images Copyright - © Stuart Bailey 2025 - All Rights Reserved

VAT: GB420877395

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